Please read below our changes with Nina Tolins lessons
If you are a student who also works for Nina this does not relate to you. If you are a Agency/Broadway Student this does not relate to you . /////////////////////////////////////////
ALL STUDENTS IF YOU ARE BOOKING A LESSON PLEASE BOOK BETWEEN 11-12pm ESt. If you book out of this time window we will resppond the next day 11-12pm EST --
Due to the high volume of student bookings we have come up with new ways for a better work flow to keep the students happy and your teacher ///////////////////////////
- 1. These are our hours of operation EST (Mons, Tues, Weds, Thursday , Friday and Sundays - 11am- 12am)( Saturdays 11am-6:30pm EST )///////////////////////////
- 2.For ALL STUDENTS please respect our off time . Do not communicate with us outside these work hours. You don't expect your clients to call you on your off times and text you all hours of the night please give us that respect moving foward./////////////////////////////////////////////
- 3.For demand students- Requested times will be answered at 11am - 12pm each day . So please check responses between this hour. F////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 4.For demand students - We will not be booking lessons in the 48 hour window . Please book a lesson outside the 48hour window. /////////////////////////////////////////
- 5.For slot students - If you miss your lesson we will have to see you at your next lesson. Your makeup will be the next lesson you attend . . ///////////////////////////////////////
- 6.Demand students can only book two lessons a week with Nina. If you will like more lessons we have other staff available to teach. ////////////////////////////////////////
- 7.Nina gets subs to cover her when she can not teach ( agency, broadway contracted work, Family emergency, Performances, and events). When Nina books a sub we pay for the sub not you, but if you request a sub for a lesson you will be paying that teacher directly . Please read the sub rates here -
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- 8.All hour lessons will be reduced to 50mins due to Warmup writeups. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-9.Chatzy needs to be used for all forms of communication. PLEASE DO NOT TEXT TEACHERS UNLESS A EMERGENCY . USE CHATZY FIRST then email.Email: To use chatzy all you have to do is go here put your name password Students then ENTER to see the room. //////////////////////////////////////////////
- 10.Response time can be up to 3 hours on chatzy, email , and text message . Please understand your teacher is in lessons and needs to give them their full attention. We will respond to you once Nina has a break to communicate. ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 11.All Take Lessons students must switch to Patron or lessonface due to October closing its doors. Sign up is here please pick the take lessons Discount membership . If your a on demand student on takelessons you want to go to the shop on Patron to purchase your class or
- 12.Warmups are always listed here If you did not get to your warmups after the class you can find them here. If you prefer your warmups emailed Nina will do so in your class with you. ////////////////////////////////////////
Please let us know on chatzy if you have any questions regaurding the changes THROUGH CHATZY