Mashup Claire

My name is regina gearge and I am a massive deal I will grind you to sand beneath my louboutin heel . I wanna watch the world burn I got the gasoline I wanna watch the world burn and everyone get mean Superboy and the invisible girl, son of steel and daughter of air, he's immortal forever alive, then there's meI wish I could fly And magically appear and disappear I wish I could fly I'd fly far away from here That’s not my name! Doesn’t anybody ever get it right, Carrie, When’ll they remember I am Carrie White? Carrie, Is it any harder so say then; God damn total spastic, and weirdo and dumb bitch Doesn’t anybody think that I can hear? I hear! ‘speically when I’ve got them screaming in my ear, I hear! Every day they mock me and push me around, ‘til I drop If I had a wish, God, I wish they’d stop. I'm never gonna be the cool guy, I'm more the one who's left out. Of all the characters at school, I am not the one who the story's about. Why can't someone just help me out? And teach me how to thrive... Help me do more than survive! I float in a boat In a raging black ocean Low in the water And nowhere to go The tiniest lifeboat With people I know Cold, clammy, and crowded The people smell desperate We'll sink any minute So someone must go The tiniest lifeboat With people I know Everyone's pushing Everyone's fighting Storms are approaching There's nowhere to hide If I say the wrong thing Or I wear the wrong outfit They'll throw me right over the side [CAMPBELL] Excuse me, they told me I need a— [JACKSON STUDENTS] Move! [CAMPBELL] Hallway pass Excuse me I'm trying to find my— [JACKSON STUDENTS] Move! [CAMPBELL] Homeroom class I’m looking for someone to follow So I know my way But everyone's going their own way now Can somebody, anyone show me around? [JACKSON STUDENTS] Don't follow me (Hey) Why you on top of me? Leave me alone Do your own thing (Oh) Do your own thing (Hey) Comin' through (Hey) I ain't following you, do what you gotta do Do your own thing (Oh) Do your own thing Sometimes is never quite enough If you're flawless, then you'll win my love Don't forget to win first place Don't forget to keep that smile on your face How long before you screw it up? And how many times do I have to tell you to hurry up? With everything I do for you The least you can do is keep quiet Be a good boy You've got to try a little harder That simply wasn't good enough To make us proud I'll live through you I'll make you what I never was If you're the best, then maybe so am I Compared to him compared to her I'm doing this for your own damn good You'll make up for what I blew What's the problem, why are you crying On the outside, always looking in Will I ever be more than I've always been? 'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass Waving through a window I try to speak, but nobody can hear So I wait around for an answer to appear While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass Waving through a window, oh Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me? (oh)

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