Available times EST

28th ( 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4:30-5pm ) 29th ( 2:30 -3pm) 30th ( 3-3:30pm,,) 31st (2:30-3:00,-4pm-5pm) 7th (11-12pm, 12-12:30pm,1:30-2:30pm,2:30-3:00pm,11-12am) 10th (11am-12pm,12-1pm, 1-2pm, ) 12th(2:30-3pm) 13th (1-2pm,2:30-3:30pm,11-12am)14 ( 2:30-3:30pm) 17th( 11am-12pm,12-1pm, 1-2pm, 9-10pm, 10-11pm, 11-12am) 19th ( 2:30-3pm) 20th (1-2pm,2:30-3:30pm,3:30-4:00pm,10-11pm)11-12am ) 21 ( 2:30-3:30pm ) ( if you cant make any of these times please request a time and we can give you a sub teacher

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