New Way request a time !!!! Available slots copy links in the brackets _

////FROM NOW ON ALL COMMUNITCATION BETWEEN STUDENTS AND TEACHER WiLL BE DONE IN THE NINA TOLINS CHAT ROOM ///// No more sending contless emails and texts please use this link to start your request ////( )PASSWORD STUDENTS- Use the chat room to request times and to talk back and forth with your voice teacher . Avaiable slots July 7th (9-10pm, 10-11pm) July 9th (4-5pm,11-12am)10th(5:30-6pm, 6:30-7pm, 8-8:30pm) 11th (11-11:30am, 4:oo-5pm, 6:-7pm) 13th ( 7:00--8:00pm,8-8:30pm, 11-12am) 15th( 2-3pm,4-5pm,5-6pm,6-7pm,7-8pm,8-9pm, 9-10pm) 16( 2:30pm-3pm,4-5pm,5:30-6pm,11-12am ) IF YOU WANT A TIME THAT IS NOT HERE WE WILL GIVE YOU A SUB

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