
MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS HE IS CALLING ME OUT OF THE DARKNESS INTO THE MARVOLOUS LIGHT 2XS MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS TO THE MARVOLOUS NO SHAME NO GUILT , NO MORE FEAR , NO MORE DOUBT, NO MORE SEND , NO MORE CONDENATION, HE IS CALLING ME CLOSER MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER , CLOSER CLOSER MY FATHER IS CALLING ME CLOSER MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS HE IS CALLING ME OUT OF THE DARKNESS INTO THE MARVOLOUS LIGHT 2XS MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS TO THE MARVOLOUS No more Blame, no more chains, i'll let it out, i'll shout it out, on the highest plan to the mountain top He is calling me closer MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER , CLOSER CLOSER MY FATHER IS CALLING ME CLOSER MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS Patience is a Virtue. so dont be weary Just keep the faith when you rise and fall the storm will pass, the wind will blow but hold on and don't let go cause my lord is my healer , he is is my peaace, he is my savior, he is my strength, he is my protector , he is my provider, he is my comfortor, he is my everything MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS HE IS CALLING ME OUT OF THE DARKNESS INTO THE MARVOLOUS LIGHT 2XS MY FATHERS CALLING ME CLOSER 3XS

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