Song list for girls to teens

“Beautiful Candy” — Carnival “Mama Who Bore Me” — Spring Awakening “I’m Not At All In Love” — The Pajama Game “How Can I Wait?” — Paint Your Wagon Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?” — My Fair Lady . “Tryouts” — Bring It On: The Musical . “My Big French Boyfriend” — The Toxic Avenger “Love Makes Such Fools of Us All” — Barnum “Sing Happy” — Flora the Red Menace “Astonishing” — Little Women . “Live Out Loud” — A Little Princess “Heaven Help My Heart” — Chess “Once Upon a Time” — Brooklyn: The Musical “Once You Lose Your Heart” — Me and My Girl Waitin’ for My Dearie” — Brigadoon “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat” — Guys and Dolls "Baltamore"-Hairspray "pulled "-Adams family "Dancing Queen"=mama mia "If You Knew My Story, "-BRIGHT STAR "The Life I Never Led," SISTER ACT "I WANT IT NOW" - WILLY WONKA "I ALWAYS KNEW" -ANNIE WARBUCKS "I KNOW NOW "- SNOOPY THE MUSICAL (THE WORLD ACCORDING TO SNOOPY) "A COCKEYED OPTIMIST" - SOUTH PACIFIC "Quiet" - Matilda "Good Girl Winnie Foster" - Tuck Everlasting "Everlasting" - Tuck Everlasting "Water in the Well" - Violet "If Only You Would Listen" - School of Rock "The Place Where the Lost Things Go (Reprise)" - Mary Poppins Returns "Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun" - A Christmas Story "My New Philosophy" - A Good Man Charlie Brown "Picture Show" - Parade "Try Me" - She Loves Me "Bye Room" - John & Jen "Almost There" - The Princess and the Frog "Dance With You" - The Prom "What It Means To Be A Friend" - 13 the Musical “I Got Love” from “Purlie” (uptempo) Lamest Place in the World” from “13 the Musical” (ballad) “Much More” from “The Fantasticks” (ballad) “Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly” from “Annie Get Your Gun” “I Can Cook, Too” from “On the Town”

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