
1 Lucille McClarey Wicked Friendship Garden Volunteer Procedures OPEN HOURS and VOLUNTEER SHIFTS • Available open hours Monday-Sunday 8a-dusk. We ask everyone to consider filling PEAK HOURS first which are Sat-Sun 8a-dusk; and Mon-Fri 3-6p • Volunteers commit to 2 hours a week scheduled at the same time each week. • If you cannot make your weekly shift post a message in the Google group that you need a “sub” and hopefully someone will chime in to say they can cover. • If you cannot commit to 2 hours a week you can be a “floater” and respond when someone posts they cannot make their hours in the google group. • First come, first scheduled on volunteer hours. Please contact signesings@gmail.com or reply to the google group post to confirm your interest and hours. • You are never expected to sit in the garden during inclement weather. Use your own judgement regarding rain, cold or extreme heat when deciding whether to open. OPENING/MAINTAINING/CLOSING THE GARDEN • LOG your hours and activity (how many people, happenings of note) in the Garden Shift Log (found in a folder at front of garden); as well as leave the visitor log sheet out for visitors and interested volunteers to sign in during your shift. • Use lock box on the left side of garden front to get the key and unlock the gate. Immediately return the key to the lock box and secure (you will not need it to close the lock on the gate). The code for the box will be texted or emailed to you before your first shift. If you are the last person out please lock the gate behind you! • Please store gate lock on handle of Wishing Well so next volunteer knows where to find! • Move the A-frame sign outside gate to let folks know garden is open. ALWAYS store the A-frame with plastic covering to avoid rain damage! • Red Sun/Rain sails for shade and cover during rain. You may put up the sail by hooking it to the West side of the garden gate for shade and protection from unexpected rain. ALWAYS unhook and place the sail back to other side of garden if you are the last one out or closing up after your shift. Heavy rain can cause permanent sag in the sail. • During your shift the most important duty is welcoming folks in to enjoy the garden. You can also water plants (a great job for kids too!), sweep the walkways, clean trash and do weeding and gardening when needed. • Storage bench in the back of garden has tools and supplies and can be accessed with lock code: 1501. EVENTS IN THE GARDEN • ALL events must be open to the public regardless of type (NO PRIVATE EVENTS) and submitted for approval to the garden coordinator and NYRP. NO ALCOHOL or SMOKING is allowed. NO GAS POWERED GRILLS. • All tables must be cleaned and sanitized at the end of event. Disinfectant and paper towels are available. Please use tablecloths to avoid grease on tables! • We ask a small “deposit” of $30 which we encourage as a suggested donation to the garden, but otherwise is returned to the individual requesting the garden once final inspection shows no damage. • Garden Hosted Events Include -we can always use help for these events: o Plant Sale – early May o Clean Up days throughout summer fall o W 150th St Block Party – usually early-mid August o Halloween– GARDEN CLOSING CELEBRATION o Holiday decorating – Early December PLEASE SEE SPECIAL COVID PROTOCOLS BELOW Garden Volunteer protocols and procedures during COVID-19 The purpose of these protocols is to allow volunteers and visitors to feel safe when visiting the garden. We will review and adjust as needed during various phases of opening. Please let us know IMMEDIATELY if there are any issues or something we need to address. • Garden volunteers reserve the right to close the garden or ask a visitor to leave if they are not following the rules posted or are causing a situation that feels unsafe to the public and themselves. • PPE will be stored in the trunk near back of garden. Code is: 1501 o Please return all PPE to trunk before you leave your shift so it does not sit out in the rain! o Masks – No longer required, but encouraged for larger groups and unvaccinated individuals. o Gloves – Not required, but available if needed. o Hand Sanitizer-Available and use is encouraged upon entering and leaving the garden o Disinfectant and Paper Towels- Available for cleaning high traffic areas such as the key holder, gate lock, trunk lock or shed lock. • MAX capacity of the garden will be 8 persons (including the volunteer keeping garden open). 6 feet social distancing is still required for unvaccinated individuals and those without masks o When we reach the 8 person limit you may close the gate and put a sign up asking folks to please come by another time. If folks are lingering and others are not able to enter please politely ask visitors to move along and allow others to enjoy the garden for a while. • Public events are now allowed in the garden with a max of 8 people (without masks) and on a case-by-case basis for larger groups (with masks). Private or personal events are not allowed (Birthday parties, bridal showers etc) • FOOD and DRINK is allowed but please clean up after yourself and leave no crumbs or grease behind on the tables. Please keep lids on all beverages to avoid spillage. • All areas of use and equipment must be wiped down with Disinfectant and Paper Towels at the end of the event. Please clean up after yourself!!

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